Everyone should periodically evaluate their lifestyle's balance sheet to determine their Net Lifestyle Satisfaction (NLS). Your lifestyle is composed of everything you do. It is a collection of all the activities and places that define who you are as a person. Your lifestyle has a strong emotional impact on you. If your lifestyle's net effect leaves you feeling bad about yourself then changes in it are needed. If your lifestyle leaves you feeling good, then all is right in the world. Your task in this chapter is to discover how your lifestyle makes you feel. Evaluating your lifestyle is a lot like doing some spring cleaning. Things need to be sorted out. What you want is kept and what you no longer want is discarded. Here's a step-by-step plan that will help you do this.
Your lifestyle is composed of several major parts: work, family, friends, intimate relationships, recreational activities (and energy boosters), self-development, money, future plans, spiritual connections, and values.
To evaluate each part of your lifestyle we've developed a system of worksheets that will walk you through the evaluation process. Each worksheet will determine: